Sunday, September 30, 2007

Today's Music...

I think I'll get this started by talking about today's music. Unfortunately, the music people listen to nowadays is, for the most part, garbage. When I go on to iTunes and see the number 1 song is Britney Spears, there has to be something seriously wrong. New age music has been terrible, with rap and pop being the center points of it all. I'm not one for all that "it has a bad influence on the kids" crap, but I seriously can't figure out how in the world people can listen to this stuff. What happened to the days of rock and roll? Unfortunately, those days are gone and have been replaced with garbage. Pure garbage.

Now, luckily some great rock bands have broken through and shined somewhat during this era, but most of these guys have been around for 10-20 years or so. Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Offspring, Foo Fighters and more continue to keep rocking to keep the fading genre alive. I continue to search for some new age rockers out there, hoping to become the new RHCP or Foos. I don't see any of that. The "popular" rock of today is either 1. poppish sounding or 2. a new term called "emo", neither of which qualify as real rock 'n' roll by any rocker's standard. So what makes me wonder is what will happen ten years from now when these guys are finished supplying us with their greatness. The future worries me for once the star genre, now fallen victim to crap of today.

For us rockers, we just have to keep on rocking. Well always have the masterminds of rock's greats to back us up, even when they're gone. Rock will always be alive, even if it's not in the eyes of the general public.

For all of you reading this that listen to rap, think about what you are doing. How can one guy rapping about getting high be better than a bunch of men rocking their hearts out about what's really important? You decide.

For all of you reading this that are indeed rockers, rock on my friends.