Monday, October 1, 2007

Album Review:Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace

The highly anticipated album (by myself, at least), Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace was released last Tuesday in stores courtesy of the Foo Fighters. I have since bought and listened to the entire album, and think it's one of their best yet. Lets have a look at the tracklist...
The Pretender-Current single. This is an awesome song and can really get the adrenaline rushing. Catchy chorus and drumline, great guitar.
Let It Die-This one starts off as a softer, acoustic feeling song until you reach about 2 minutes in. That's really it picks up with an awesome guitar solo and finishes off nice and strong. Also, excellent lyrics in this song.
Erase/Replace-This song features an some guitar riffs, but it's a bit lacking on the lyrics end. Still a very catchy track.
Long Road to Ruin-Soon to be next single. Great, catchy lyrics along with an awesome guitar solo.
Come Alive-My current favorite. Similar to Let It Die, this one starts off in a low, melodic tone then picks up with classic Dave Grohl screaming and an awesome guitar riff. This song has it all.
Stranger Things Have Happened-Nice acoustic track with strong lyrics.
Cheer Up, Boys (Your Make-Up Is Running)-This one seems like it was meant to be played live. Great rock anthem, and I love the lyrics on this one.
Summer's End-Nice melodic acoustic track.
Ballad of the Beaconsfield Miners-Dave Grohl keeping his word. This is a nice strong instrumental, however.
Statues-Like the lyrics and the use of the piano. It's something different, the Foos have never used a piano in their songs before.
But, Honestly-This one is similar to Come Alive, starting off slow but suddenly becomes a face melter with maybe the best guitar riff on the album.
Home-The end of the album with another soft song with piano.
Overall, the album is awesome, and definitely one of my favorites. It's great for the normal Foo fan, but also has stuff any normal rock fan would enjoy.

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